I tried making my character's head spinning frame by frame. it was originally something I made for a collab, but I loved it too much NOT to use it as my avatar. I didn't do much detail, but I think it came out well. JUST SO YA KNOW, I'm trying to do more stuff frame by frame, instead of tweening. In places I wouldd tween, I'm doing more FBF instead.
STORY OF THE GIF: I had to import each frame from flash into Fireworks (I don't have Photoshop). Originally, it was about 18 frames, but now it's only 10. So, I had to cut out 8 frames but still make it look just as smooth. I had 11 frames worth but I got an "Error: Image is 40.5 KB, you need 40 KB." lol I was so close at that point too and had to cut one last frame.
So yeah, I really think this .gif looks good. I may attempt another one with more detail in the future. His hair needs a lot more detail. :( But for now, I like this. :3
You spin me right round, baby right round, like a record baby right round round round.
That's what the pic reminds me of. lol.
lol I didnt think of that at all actually, but now I'll probably think of it every time I see it now.