MetalDart reviews again!!!
Glad to see the sequal Ashford. I was surprised to see this in the portal so quickly.
The graphics in this were much better, with a lot more characters and more movement. They were very clear and nice to look at (basically sex for the eyes.) Anyway, there is not much to improve on in the graphics department, because we've already talked about how they don't show the lower half. So, the graphics have been improved.
The sound was good. It was perfectly synched with the character's mouth's. It didn't get repetitive and was easy for the ears.
Not much violence or interactivity, but the humor makes up for that. I liked some of the jokes, made me chuckle quite a few times. The problem though, is that you can only watch it once. The next time you watch it, you can see the jokes coming a mile away.
Improvmements? It would be nice if the character's backgrounds matched for the same skit, rather than switching to court room to office place. Just for that one skit, not all of the skits. Also, just keep getting fresh material. It seems like a good series.
Overall, good flash, and it's made me laugh quite a few times. Also, I was surprised Lex Luthor's "WRONG!!!"didn't make it. Oh well, it's still good.
Grade: B